What makes EnerPrime Different? Ben Greenfield, NSCA-CPT, CSCS, MS, C-ISSN

What Makes EnerPrime Different? By Ben Greenfield, NSCA-CPT, CSCS, MS, C-ISSN

Let’s face it.

There are a myriad of nutrition supplements that you can choose from. From antioxidantsbenracingyellow

to multivitamins, you’re constantly bombarded with advertisements and promotions for

the newest magical elixir.

So it’s no surprise that one of the most common questions that I receive after I give my

glowing recommendation of EnerPrime is:

What makes EnerPrime different?”

And this is a very good question. After all, why on earth would I choose to EnerPrime as

my daily dose of sustenance to get me through a day of swimming, cycling and running

in preparation for one of the toughest athletic events on the face of the planet?

To understand how EnerPrime is different, let’s compare it to three categories of nutrition

supplements that are most commonly considered as potential alternatives to EnerPrime:

antioxidants, multi-vitamins, and green powders.

1) Antioxidants.

While this article isn’t mean to be a crash course in science, it is important for you to

understand exactly what an antioxidant actually is.

Put simply, an antioxidant is simply a molecule that keeps other molecules from

damage or death. For example, when you eat a blueberry, it contains one type of

antioxidant called a “polyphenol”. A polyphenol can take potentially damagingEnerPrime

compounds that you are exposed to, from life, stress, exercise, pollution or chemicals,

and block those compounds from damaging your cells.

But the polyphenol in that blueberry is just one tiny example of an antioxidant.

There are literally dozens of other antioxidants, and they all work in different ways on

different parts of your body. In order to get the full benefit of antioxidants, you need

to be consuming a complete diet that includes seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and other

things that grow on planet Earth. And if you do that, you will have fewer wrinkles on

your skin, get sick less, bounce back from hard exercise sessions quickly, and reap an

enormous host of other benefits.

But if you just take a single food group, like berries, extract their antioxidants, and

turn them into a concentrated, expensive juice in a bottle, you’re just getting a very

small piece of the total antioxidant spectrum. Even if it’s some rare berry from a far

away land.

And that’s not all.

More recently, studies have shown that it can actually be dangerous to just consume a

mega-dose of one single antioxidant like concentrated vitamin C or vitamin E, and

this may increase, not decrease, your risk for chronic diseases like heart disease or


So what am I getting to here?

EnerPrime is not a single dose of one antioxidant. Instead, it is a blend of many

different antioxidants in delicately balanced ratios: specifically selenium, vitamin C,

vitamin E, grape skin, vitamin A, isoflavones, milk thistle extract, N-Acetyl-LCysteine,

and dark green vegetable extracts.

In contrast, if you ever come across an antioxidant that is just one single food

compound, like some kind of berry in a super-concentrated juice, you’re not even

coming close to the spectrum of antioxidants in EnerPrime, and you may actually be

doing your body more harm than good.

2) Multi-Vitamins.

Whether in tablet, capsule, powder, liquid or injectable form, any multi-vitamin is a

formula intended to supplement a human diet with a daily recommended dose of

vitamins and minerals.

While this sounds quite nice, the unfortunate truth is that most multi-vitamins don’t

really give the body what it needs to support optimum health, longevity, or

performance. This is because the dosages in a multi-vitamin are often simply the

minimum necessary dose to keep you from getting a disease.

Take Vitamin D, for example. Until this year, the maximum dose in most multivitamins

was 400 International Units (IU), and in most cases the dose was much

lower than this. The recommended dose was just raised to 600IU this year, so you

may see slightly higher doses in multi-vitamins now.

But these doses are based on the recommended Vitamin D intake to avoid rickets

disease in children, and come nowhere near what most adults actually need for

normal healthy function! I personally use 5,000IU of Vitamin D a day, and many of

my clients take several thousand IU above that.

For these reasons, I don’t even take a multi-vitamin. I simply eat a healthy diet with a

high amount of vegetables and moderate amounts of healthy fats and meats, and then

supplement that diet EnerPrime, which contains digestive enzymes that help my body

to better absorb and utilize the vitamins from the foods that I am eating.

If you find a “cheap” green powder, tossed into the bargain bin of your local

supplements outlet or website, you’re pretty much guaranteed that they sourced the

cheapest, lowest quality spirulina to get their greens – and did that with the rest of

their ingredients as well.

In contrast, while the actual spirulina source of EnerPrime is kept as a trade secret, I

happen to have been given the inside scoop on where it is derived, and it is of the

most consistent quality and nutritional value of spirulina that can be found on the face

of the planet.



Hopefully, you know understand the difference between EnerPrime and antioxidants,

multi-vitamins, and other green powders. But we’ve only scratched the surface of what’s actually in EnerPrime. I didn’t even

talk about the stress reducing adaptogenic herbs based on thousands of years of Chinese herbal medicine, the appetite stabilizing minerals that control your blood

sugar levels and insulin production, or the concentrated plant extracts that help detoxify your liver and protect your organs from a daily onslaught of toxins and

environmental pollutants.

I do recommend multi-vitamins for children and aging individuals, whose guts tend to

absorb fewer vitamins. But regardless of age, you still need the nutritional support

that is going to help you maximize the absorption and utilization of those vitamins,

whether they’re from food or a multi-vitamin supplement.

So ultimately, here’s the bottom line:

Even thought it has some vitamins in it, EnerPrime isn’t a “multi-vitamin”.

Instead, EnerPrime gives your body what it needs to make your vitamins work,

regardless of where you get those vitamins. For this reason, you should never try to

“substitute” EnerPrime with a multi-vitamin.

3) Green Powders

Based on that rich, dark, green color that you see as soon as you open the lid of your

EnerPrime bottle, there’s no doubt about it: EnerPrime is most definitely a green


But EnerPrime is not just any green powder. Just about any green powder that you can find, including EnerPrime, is going to be a

mix of various green vegetables, including things like spirulina, green barley grass, wheat grass or alfalfa grass, kelp, ground leaf powders, spinach, broccoli, etc.

What are the benefits of all this green? Mostly, it comes down to the same reason your mother probably was always

reminding you to eat your vegetables: extreme nutrient density packed into a significantly low number of calories.

Take spirulina, for example (one of the primary ingredients in EnerPrime). Spirulina is a complete protein that contains all the essential amino acids, an enormous

spectrum of antioxidants, nearly every vitamin that exists, potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, zinc

– the list goes on and on!

There’s no wonder that your body finds huge benefits when that many different super compounds are packed into a miniscule number of calories.

But not all spirulina is created equal.

Since spirulina is an algae that is grown very similar to a plant, it can be laden with pesticides, herbicides and genetically modified organism (GMO’s). Not only that, but

the growing environment and the technology used to harvest the spirulina can significantly affect the overall quality and nutrient density of the end product.

What this comes down to is what you may have heard me say before:

You couldn’t pay me not to take EnerPrime!”

To me, the cost of sacrificing my health, body and performance is too great to not simply wake up each morning, and

fill my body with a potent cocktail of the highest quality ingredients on earth.

What about you?

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